
Levvel: Track & Trace concrete blocks with RFID

Full traceability of the concrete blocks, from production to installation on the enclosure dam, thanks  to RFID.

The customer

Levvel is a construction consortium, formed by BAM, Van Oord and Rebel, which has been established to renew the Afsluitdijk (enclosure dam) in the Netherlands. This renewal project has been awarded by Rijkswaterstaat.

The challenge

The Afsluitdijk is protected against the high waves of the Wadden Sea by a new type of concrete blocks with a patented design. In order to guarantee the quality, Levvel requires full traceability of the concrete blocks, from production to installation on the dike. The solution took into account the climatically harsh environment and the robust industrial materials used.

Levvel-bloc with embedded RFID tag
containing the product information.
The RFID antennas and readers on the
different cranes read the information of the
concrete blocks tagged.

The solution

Every Levvel-bloc is equipped with an RFID tag, produced by Idencia. Aucxis implemented the “RFID Item Identification & Tracking” solution, for which RFID antennas and readers have been installed on certain strategic cranes in the production hall, in the concrete block drying area and on the dike in order to be able to read out the specific data of the blocks. 

The Aucxis middleware HERTZ enables to conveniently consult all tag information, stored in the cloud, through a web platform accessible to Levvel and its partners at all times. Furthermore, thanks to the integration of HERTZ with the GPS systems of the cranes, an insight is provided into the exact position of every block.

The result

  • No manual counting or data processing needed;
  • The exact position of every block can be requested at any time;
  • Generation of specific reports with relevant data for high performance analyses;
  • The RFID solution ensures a timely intervention if something happens with a block.

An RFID system customised to your needs

Our modular approach allows to elaborate a solution for you which perfectly meets your needs. Nothing more, nothing less.
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