
Growing customer base validates the power of RFID

With an impressive clientele of over 300 companies, Aucxis has played a significant role in establishing RFID technology in the Benelux and beyond.
New customers

Over the past two decades, RFID has emerged as a prominent player in wireless communication! Years of development and implementation have solidified RFID as a key technology in automating projects across various sectors, including logistics, retail, healthcare, and aviation.

Aucxis: + 15 year RFID experience

In 2007, Aucxis, as an automation specialist, established a dedicated business unit to invest in RFID technology research and develop applications for sectors in which we historically grew: agriculture, horticulture, and fisheries. Initial applications focused on identifying, registering, and tracing flower trolleys and fish boxes. Today, we offer an expanding range of RFID hardware, middleware, and software, delivering solutions to diverse sectors. The outcomes are clear: enhanced traceability and efficiency, real-time inventory management, streamlined logistics, precise product tracking, and accurate business analysis data.

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In 2024, orders have already been received from companies such as Alesea (IoT solution provider), Caroline Biss (fashion retail), Foodbag (fresh food e-commerce), ‘t Hekeltje verhuur and AED Rent (rental). In total, 318 companies have entrusted Aucxis for consultancy, Proof of Concept development, or RFID project implementation.

Logo Alesea
Logo Carolin Biss
Logo AED

Modular and step-by-step RFID concepts

Aucxis’ modular approach to RFID integration in business processes has encouraged companies to explore RFID benefits. Together with the customer, we define the necessary building blocks and services to successfully execute automation projects. This approach ensures a tailored solution that precisely meets the customer’s needs.

Start your RFID journey with a Proof of Concept

To assess the economic and technical feasibility of a specific RFID application, we conduct comprehensive on-site feasibility studies in controlled environments. We describe the RFID setup and identify required components. The POC team thoroughly documents findings, facilitating accurate cost estimation and offering insight into potential ROI.

Ready to be the next RFID user?

Our structured approach enables companies to plan and execute RFID projects with confidence and clarity, being assured they will benefit from a customised solution that is both efficient and effective. Aucxis remains dedicated to innovation and its customer-oriented approach, helping businesses to optimise processes and thrive in competitive markets.