
GS1 Innovation Insights

Why not using RFID is such a waste?

Our CINO, Jason Scrivens, discussed the impact of RFID technology on efficient operations and sustainability.

We had the honor to share significant insights and case studies on RFID during the GS1 webinar “Closing the Loop of Reusable Items with GS1 Standards.”

We delved into the escalating importance of item reuse across various sectors. As the demand for sustainability grows, the challenge lies in integrating the reusing process into our activities without compromising efficiency. RFID technology emerges as a solution, allowing for rapid identification and seamless reuse of thousands of items with the support of GTINs and GRAIs from GS1.

We presented some inspiring use cases to illustrate these insights. Our RAFC (Royal Antwerp Football Club) case was an important example. This particular case demonstrates the successful integration of RFID technology and GS1 standards, showcasing the smooth return of thousands of reusable cups during football matches at stadiums. This innovation can make a real difference on large-scale event and business operations alike.

Watch the recording